Sunday School @ 9am
Worship Service @ 10am
Welcome to the Family!
God has created each of us with different and unique abilities intended to build one another up and to bring glory to God. As a community in Pocatello, we desire to use our abilities as God intends. You have a part here at FLC.
Please contact us to see where you fit in.
Info@faithpocatello.org or call 208.237.2391

We are Just Like You!
We are a gathering of sinners who have been given the free
gift of salvation and faith to trust Jesus for eternal life.
Jesus spent time with the least religious and loved to hang out
with what the religious leaders considered sinners.
Sinners are just people who are not perfect.
We celebrate the fact that God enjoys us where we are
and is continually drawing us to explore the joy of life in Christ.
We are Glad You're Here!
What a typical service looks like.
Drawing from the Lutheran tradition, we celebrate our life of freedom
in Christ through singing, prayers, creeds, preaching, communion, and fellowship.
At FLC you will find people are accepted where they are and how they are.
Though we serve a holy God, we serve a God who loves us
regardless of appearance or ability.
Please join us and come as you are, be yourself.